On Saturday night, I

On Saturday night, I would see men lusting after half-naked girls dancing at the carnival, and on Sunday morning when I was playing organ for tent-show evangelists at the other end of the carnival lot, I would see these same men sitting in the pews with their wives and children, asking God to forgive them … Read more

I thought as I

I thought as I rode in the cold pleasant light of Sunday morning how silent & passive nature offers, every morn, her wealth to man; she is immensely rich, he is welcome to her entire goods, which he speaks no word, only leaves over doors ajar, hall, store room, & cellar. He may do as … Read more

It’s an ironic thing

It’s an ironic thing about being an immigrant kid, growing up – ’cause I grew up in the UK and went to a British boarding school and we would go to chapel every Sunday morning. And we’d actually have religious studies and religious studies means Christian studies where you study the Bible.
Aasif Mandvi