The press heralded this

The press heralded this as a major accomplishment. The rush from the press as soon as it was announced suggested a high level of coordination. Like lemmings in a staged dive off a cliff, ‘historic’ became the media’s rallying cry. There is nothing historic about the deal. In fact, news reports from November 2012 noted … Read more

In North America, the

In North America, the medium-to-large publishers are generally confining investment to enhancements, upgrades and opportunities for incremental capacity and efficiency improvements, while among the smaller newspapers, there continues to be interest in systems that can provide a significant boost in production capabilities. Eric Bell

Distributed print is arguably

Distributed print is arguably our biggest challenge as a machinery supplier, as more publishers find efficiencies in transferring print production to remote printers and supersites. But our signature Goss flexibility and adaptability allow us to meet that challenge head-on with relevant technologies, services and expertise that continue to provide customers with an edge. Eric Bell

A triumphalist corporate capitalism,

A triumphalist corporate capitalism, free at last of the specter of Communism, has mobilized its economic power to relentlessly marginalize all nonmarket values; to subordinate every aspect of American life to corporate \”efficiency\” and the bottom line; to demonize not only government but the very idea of public service and public goods. Ellen Willis