One of the things

One of the things that any kind of studies bring out is that the mere act of schooling – getting together, the organization involved, going to classes on time, and there’re things being taught, sitting down with others with different backgrounds, chatting with them, and, sometimes when there are big barriers, eating together when there … Read more

Almost every cartoonist, when

Almost every cartoonist, when he’s sitting down to draw a funny face, if you watch him closely, his mouth is gonna curl to the expression that he’s drawing. But when I would write a story – I know it’s going to sound almost ridiculous and infantile – I would, in a way, start living it. … Read more

Practicing meditation is just

Practicing meditation is just like breathing. While working we breathe, while sleeping we breathe, while sitting down we breathe… Why do we have time to breathe? Because we see the importance of the breath, we can always find time to breathe. In the same way, if we see the importance of meditation practice we will … Read more

Never let your head

Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. And don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines. Richard M. Nixon

Without fail, every cartoonist

Without fail, every cartoonist that I asked advice from bent over backward to be helpful and encouraging. It took many forms: some of it was just an implicit acceptance, like being invited along to the dinner with all of the good cartoonists, or sitting down at a drafting table with an artist and him showing … Read more