Until the dead are

Until the dead are buried they change somewhat in appearance each day. The color change in Caucasian races is from white to yellow, to yellow-green, to black. If left long enough in the heat the flesh comes to resemble coal-tar, especially where it has been broken or torn, and it has quite a visible tarlike … Read more

It was a quiet

It was a quiet way – He asked if I was his – I made no answer of the tongue But answer of the eyes – And then He bore me on Before this mortal noise With swiftness, as of Chariots and distance, as of Wheels. This World did drop away As acres from the … Read more

who knows if the

who knows if the moon’s a balloon,coming out of a keen city in the sky–filled with pretty people? ( and if you and I should get into it,if they should take me and take you into their balloon, why then we’d go up higher with all the pretty people than houses and steeples and clouds: … Read more