The age of isolation

The age of isolation is gone. And gone are the days in which barbed wire served as demarcation lines, separating and isolating countries from one another. No country can escape looking beyond its boundaries to find the source of the currents which influence how it can live with others. Gamal Abdel Nasser

I read about a

I read about a guy in Michigan this winter who was cruising along on his snow mobile. Whoo hoo! Didn’t see a barbed wire fence. FOOM – cut his head right off. And I’ll be honest with you, my first thought was… That’s how I want to go. Having the time of your life, whoo … Read more

Just who has imposed

Just who has imposed on the suffering human race poison gas, barbed wire, high explosives, experiments in eugenics, the formula for zyklon b, heavy artillery, pseudo-scientific justifications for mass murder, cluster bombs, attack submarines, napalm, intercontinental missiles , military space platforms and nuclear weapons? If memory serves it was not the Vatican. David Berlinski

When I reached Fort

When I reached Fort Binjemma, for example, where my grandfather was stationed for a while, the whole Victorian fort was decaying. Barbed wire surrounded it, spray paint on the ancient walls claimed it as private property, and the moat where my grandfather and his men had grown crops – in desperation as the siege’s hunger … Read more