You must not allow

You must not allow yourselves to become discouraged. Missionary work brings joy, optimism, and happiness. Don’t give Satan an opportunity to discourage you. Here again, work is the answer. The Lord has given us a key by which we can overcome discouragement: Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I … Read more

Contrary to the utopian

Contrary to the utopian rhetoric of social media enthusiasts, the Internet often makes the jump from deliberation to participation even more difficult, thwarting collective action under the heavy pressure of never-ending internal debate. Evgeny Morozov

Some years ago, someone

Some years ago, someone had come up with the idea that the State should hold all Titles to vehicles, mailing a Certificate of Title to the ‘owners’. This created a legal fiction that the State owned the vehicles. Drivers were thus driving a State owned vehicle, mandating drivers must have a license to drive a … Read more