If China’s expansion into

If China’s expansion into Africa and Russia’s into Latin America and the former Soviet Union are any indication, Silicon Valley’s ability to expand globally will be severely limited, if only because Beijing and Moscow have no qualms about blending politics and business. Evgeny Morozov

Every case involving cybercrime

Every case involving cybercrime that I’ve been involved in, I’ve never found a master criminal sitting somewhere in Russia or Hong Kong or Beijing. It always ends up that somebody at the company did something they weren’t supposed to do. They read an email, went to a website they weren’t supposed to. Frank Abagnale

The one consistent policy

The one consistent policy running through this [Clinton] administration is the love it has lavished on Marxists — food aid for North Korea, diplomatic recognition of the Hanoi regime, chronic kowtowing to Beijing and now doing Castro’s dirty work. How can the Clinton gang — which carried the Viet Cong flag during anti-war demonstrations and … Read more

Often GOP political strategy

Often GOP political strategy seems like the human wave theory of the Chinese military translated to politics. Where Beijing uses masses of soldiers to overwhelm their adversaries, the GOP uses huge campaign budgets as a substitute for strategy, thought or issues. Dick Morris

We’re trying to learn

We’re trying to learn from [Olympic] Beijing, which could be very intimidating. We’ve learned to expect it’s power, it majesty and that it completes a cycle of certain types of shows… I don’t think any nation could do anything on that scale. We haven’t got that money, and I don’t think anybody would have the … Read more