People in both parties

People in both parties from the congressional intelligence committees – all these co-opted officials who play cheerleader for spy agencies – go on these Sunday shows and they say: \”Snowden was a traitor. He works against Americans. He works for the Chinese. Oh, wait, he left Hong Kong – he works for the Russians.\” Edward … Read more

US administration does not

US administration does not want me to return. People forget how I ended up in Russia. They waited until I departed Hong Kong to cancel my passport in order to trap me in Russia, because it’s the most effective attack they have against me, given the political climate in the United States. Edward Snowden

Every case involving cybercrime

Every case involving cybercrime that I’ve been involved in, I’ve never found a master criminal sitting somewhere in Russia or Hong Kong or Beijing. It always ends up that somebody at the company did something they weren’t supposed to do. They read an email, went to a website they weren’t supposed to. Frank Abagnale

The former police chief

The former police chief of Houston once said of me: \”Frank Abagnale could write a check on toilet paper, drawn on the Confederate States Treasury, sign it ‘U.R. Hooked’ and cash it at any bank in town, using a Hong Kong driver’s license for identification.\” Frank Abagnale