I’m straight, but the

I’m straight, but the character was too important to me to muddle his world with my private life. As a nobody, I got away with that deflection. I think it may have helped to introduce Brian as a believable gay man. Maybe not. However it played, it’s been out of my hands for a long … Read more

You know, you grow

You know, you grow up with the image of John Travolta being super cool – ‘Saturday Night Fever,’ Brian De Palma, handsome young god… he, in reality, is a very silly man. And I mean that in a good way. He’ll walk around the set talking in little weird voices, making people laugh. Eric Stoltz

Brian Walker and David

Brian Walker and David Salt have written a thoughtful and powerful book to help resource users and managers put resilience thinking into practice and aim toward increasing the sustainability of our world. I urge public officials, scholars, and students in public policy programs to place this volume on their list of must-read books. It is … Read more