There are certain basic

There are certain basic principles regarding the proper role of government. If principles are correct, then they can be applied to any specific proposal with confidence… The true statesman values principle above popularity, and works to create popularity for those political principles which are wise and just. Ezra Taft Benson

The Republicans have put

The Republicans have put together serious detailed counter-proposals when we have objected to this administration’s agenda. And so, I want to tell the President and remind him again, we’re not voting no for political expediency. We’ve got our principles, and we’re going to stand up and defend those. Eric Cantor

The President\\’s policy proposal,

The President’s policy proposal, known as ‘chained CPI,’ would re-calculate the cost of living for Social Security beneficiaries. That new number won’t keep up with inflation on things like food and health care — the basics that we need to live. In short, ‘chained CPI’ is just a fancy way to say ‘cut benefits for … Read more

Brian Walker and David

Brian Walker and David Salt have written a thoughtful and powerful book to help resource users and managers put resilience thinking into practice and aim toward increasing the sustainability of our world. I urge public officials, scholars, and students in public policy programs to place this volume on their list of must-read books. It is … Read more