Growth for the sake

Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell. Edward Abbey

Hurray, Hallelujah, and Happy

Hurray, Hallelujah, and Happy Prostate! Finally, someone has taken the years and done the work, so the rest of us no longer need suffer from ignorance as to how to have good prostate health. That someone is Roger Mason, and all that one needs to know in order to have a happy prostate has been … Read more

And I’ll tell you,

And I’ll tell you, honestly, folks that I talk to, the 2.5 million breast cancer survivors in America, that I am one of, understand that we’re done with insurance companies dropping us or denying us coverage because of – because we have a preexisting condition. Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Winning isn’t the end

Winning isn’t the end of the world David Pleat