I mean, let’s face

I mean, let’s face it, it’s 2000 and people are beginning to wake up on some level. I think that, as I was saying earlier, there’s just no denying the impact that showing people the truth can have. It allows people to understand themselves, and when you understand yourself you can understand the people around … Read more

The work of adult

The work of adult life is not easy. As in childhood, each step presents not only new tasks of development but requires a letting go of the techniques that worked before. With each passage some magic must be given up, some cherished illusion of safety and comfortably familiar sense of self must be cast off, … Read more

There’s a conspiracy /

There’s a conspiracy / to protect the young, so they’ll be fearless, / it’s why you travel – it’s a way of trying / to let go, of lying. You don’t sit / in a stiff chair and worry, you keep moving. / Postcards from the Alamo, the Alhambra. / … / You, fainting at … Read more