If you look at

If you look at television shows, which of course are fictional so you don’t expect them to be real, but they’re constantly showing career women who are also successful mothers and also look gorgeous. And we fall into believing that these fictional lives are somehow accurate depictions of what our real lives should be about. … Read more

It’s immoral to parent

It’s immoral to parent irresponsibly… And it doesn’t help matters any when prime time tv, like Murphy Brown, a character who is supposed to represent a successful career woman of today, mocks the importance of the father by bearing a child alone, and calling it just another lifestyle choice. Marriage is probably the best anti-poverty … Read more

The true mission of

The true mission of feminism today is not to carp about the woes of affluent Western career women but to turn the spotlight on life-and-death issues affecting women in the Third World, particularly in rural areas where they have little protection against exploitation and injustice. Camille Paglia

If you want something

If you want something done, ask a busy person. Benjamin Franklin