Internet becoming accessible everywhere,

Internet becoming accessible everywhere, whether it was Wi-Fi at work, on your cell phone as you traveled. People had it at home with broadband. There was a big change.It used to be people used the Internet primarily at work, because that’s where they had a good connection. Now they’re using it at home. And the … Read more

The Internet is an

The Internet is an incredible business tool. First of all, the Internet/the cell phone – the cell phone is just another way to get at it – I think is having a huge impact in Africa most particularly, where it enables people – suddenly, they know crop prices. They can communicate. It makes their lives … Read more

Recently I was directing

Recently I was directing an episode of ‘Glee’ and I lost my cell phone – and I didn’t have time to buy a new one for three weeks. Well, the first few days I was anxious as hell, suffered the delirium tremens, didn’t think I could make it through, etc. Then something kind of curious … Read more