I asked Shia: who

I asked Shia: who is the guy that terrifies you the most? And he said Mads. So it was somebody we both really wanted to work with. He’s intimidating, but has a really big heart and he’s sexy. He’s got this sexiness, even guys fall for him. He just penetrates everything-not literally. So we needed … Read more

The obvious and fair

The obvious and fair solution to the housework problem is to let men do the housework for, say, the next six thousand years, to even things up. The trouble is that men, over the years, have developed an inflated notion of the importance of everything they do, so that before long they would turn housework … Read more

Marya Morevna, we are

Marya Morevna, we are better at this than you are. We can hold two terrible ideas at once in our hearts. Never have your folk delighted us more, been more like family. For a devil, hypocrisy is a parlour game, like charades. Such fun, and when the evening is done we shall be holding our … Read more

I have mastered many

I have mastered many things in my life. Navigating the streets of London, speaking French without an accent, dancing the quadrille, the Japanese art of flower arranging, lying at charades, concealing a highly intoxicated state, delighting young women with my charms… Tessa stared. Alas, he went on, no one has ever actually referred to me … Read more