Education is a better

Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army. Edward Everett

A significant contribution to

A significant contribution to science pedagogy and to the scholarship of teaching and learning. … [W]ill be of interest to researchers in the area of science education and to college and university faculty members who seek to improve their teaching. David W. Oxtoby

Text is linear; it

Text is linear; it is black and white; it doesn’t zoom around the page in 3-D; it isn’t intelligent by itself; in fact, in terms of immediate reaction it is quite boring. I can’t imagine a single preliterate was ever wowed at the first sight of text, and yet text has been the basis of … Read more

As far as the

As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality. Albert Einstein

Curiosity has its own

Curiosity has its own reason for existence. Albert Einstein

One cannot help but

One cannot help but be in awe when [one] contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. Albert Einstein