Family: A social unit

Family: A social unit where the father is concerned with parking space, the children with outer space, and the mother with closet space. Evan Esar

In family life, love

In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony. Eva Burrows

In my view, immigrants

In my view, immigrants today aren’t any different from immigrants who have come to America throughout our nation’s history. They bring new ideas, an entrepreneurial spirit and close family ties. They place a high value on education. And they are eager to achieve the American Dream. … It’s to our benefit to keep our doors … Read more

I was interested in

I was interested in flying beginning at age 7, when a close family friend took me in his little airplane. And I remember looking at the wheel of the airplane as we rolled down the runway, because I wanted to remember the exact moment that I first went flying… the other thing growing up is … Read more

I’ve been very lucky.

I’ve been very lucky. I come from a very close family. I’m also in a relationship that’s been really good. Lasted a long time. We’ve got wonderful kids from that relationship, and they’ve had the benefit of being together. It’s fantastic to have that sort of togetherness. It’s a rarity these days. Richard Branson