If I’m watching my

If I’m watching my son play soccer, that’s what I’m doing. If I’m going to a school concert, that’s what I’m doing. I turn the phone off. I actively tune into whatever I’m doing. I walk every evening with one of my sons and for that half an hour, 45 minutes, that’s what I’m doing. … Read more

I thought, how would

I thought, how would I feel if my son gave one of those [underprivileged] kids chicken pox? For him it’s not a terrible thing. We have good insurance and easy access to health care. It’s a different situation for another family. I didn’t want to make the decision for them. Eula Biss

During the war, there

During the war, there were people wishing me death, wishing my son death, wishing my wife death in very graphic ways. In the past, I would go overseas and I would say, Israel is like my family: we disagree, but we’re all brothers. I can’t say that anymore, because life proves me wrong. Etgar Keret