The point is, that

The point is, that the function of the novel seems to be changing; it has become an outpost of journalism; we read novels for information about areas of life we don’t know – Nigeria, South Africa, the American army, a coal-mining village, coteries in Chelsea, etc. We read to find out what is going on. … Read more

I report the assault

I report the assault on nature evidenced in coal mining that tears the tops off mountains and dumps them into rivers, sacrificing the health and lives of those in the river valleys to short-term profit, and I see a link between that process and the stock-market frenzy which scorns long-term investments-genuine savings-in favor of quick … Read more

My father got a

My father got a job at Bradford University in textiles. And he came for – I guess, you know, why do people immigrate? – like, for a better life to find, you know, a new world. And, you know, I think he always – he saw it as an opportunity. And so yeah so we came to this coal mining town in the north of England and that’s where I grew up.
Aasif Mandvi