I will not deny

I will not deny that my heart has long occupied itself with the most tender feelings for another. So strong were these impulses that I indulged myself by thinking that if I could not have him whom I admired whom I will admit it now when I would not before I loved then I would … Read more

When I am told

When I am told (by those who confuse predestination with God’s providence) that God already knows who will be saved and who will be damned, and therefore anything we do is useless, I usually answer with four truths that the bible spells out for us:God wants that everyone be saved; No one is predestined to … Read more

What, did you think,

What, did you think, she asked, laughing as he struggled up the bank, that I, a Gaulish maiden, could not swim? I did not think anything about it, Malchus said; I saw you pushed in and followed without thinking at all. Although they imperfectly understood each other’s words the meaning was clear; the girl put … Read more