Those who cannot remember

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it without a sense of ironic futility. Errol Morris

You are still young,

You are still young, so you think only of your own self. You do not notice the tribulations that occur all around you, to other people. Do not protest; it is true. I am not condemning you. I was as selfish as you, when I was your age. It is the custom of the young … Read more

The feminization of America

The feminization of America has made emotions sacrosanct while condemning as cold and unfeeling rigorous concepts such as duty andhonor. Propelled by incessant hosannas to woman’s \”finer\” this and \”softer\” that, we make emotional decisions instead of ethical ones and then congratulate ourselves for having \”heart. Florence King

As the only class

As the only class distinction available in a democracy, the college degree has created a caste society as rigid as ancient India’s. Condemning elitism and simultaneously quaking in fear that our children won’t become members of the elite, we send them to college, not to learn, but to \”be\” college graduates, rationalizing our snobbery with … Read more