I learned law so

I learned law so well, the day I graduated I sued the college, won the case, and got my tuition back. Fred Allen

Obama recently warned some

Obama recently warned some college graduates against being all worried about government tyranny, and Obama has good reason to warn you against that because worrying about government tyranny is the exact sort of thing that will get you audited. Or, when Obamacare is in full force, it will be the attitude that gets you denied … Read more

As the only class

As the only class distinction available in a democracy, the college degree has created a caste society as rigid as ancient India’s. Condemning elitism and simultaneously quaking in fear that our children won’t become members of the elite, we send them to college, not to learn, but to \”be\” college graduates, rationalizing our snobbery with … Read more

Since 1994, unemployment rates

Since 1994, unemployment rates are lower. Median household income is higher. A greater percentage of Americans are graduating from college. Home ownership rates are higher. And the violent crime rate has decreased. Cliff Stearns