The character of a

The character of a whole society is the cumulative result of the countless small actions, day in and day out, of millions of persons. Who we are as a society, is the synergistic accumulation of who we are as individuals… Small changes that seem insignificant in isolation can be great contributions when they are simultaneously … Read more

Any chemist reading this

Any chemist reading this book can see, in some detail, how I have spent most of my mature life. They can become familiar with the quality of my mind and imagination. They can make judgements about my research abilities. They can tell how well I have documented my claims of experimental results. Any scientist can … Read more

Wrestling is a one-on-one

Wrestling is a one-on-one experience and if something goes wrong you can’t point a finger and blame somebody else. What you do is up to you. And yet it’s a team sport, because whether your team wins or loses is a result of the cumulative effect of the matches. Wrestling is a great confidence builder … Read more

An ad that pretends

An ad that pretends to be art is – at absolute best – like somebody who smiles warmly at you only because he wants something from you. This is dishonest, but what’s sinister is the cumulative effect that such dishonesty has on us: since it offers a perfect facsimile or simulacrum of goodwill without goodwill’s … Read more