Christmas is a necessity.

Christmas is a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we’re here for something else besides ourselves. Eric Sevareid

Today\\’s status symbol is

Today’s status symbol is the Palm Pilot; tomorrow’s is not having one, because you have a whole staff keeping track of you. It’s like a winter coat in Washington: The ultimate status symbol isn’t cashmere, it’s no coat at all on the snowiest day of the year – because that means you have a car … Read more

Now I am quietly

Now I am quietly waiting for the catastrophe of my personality to seem beautiful again, and interesting, and modern. The country is grey and brown and white in trees, snows and skies of laughter always diminishing, less funny not just darker, not just grey. It may be the coldest day of the year, what does … Read more

If human beings had

If human beings had genuine courage, they’d wear their costumes every day of the year, not just on Halloween. Douglas Coupland

I think if human

I think if human beings had genuine courage, they’d wear their costumes every day of the year, not just on Halloween. Wouldn’t life be more interesting that way? And now that I think about it, why the heck don’t they? Who made the rule that everybody has to dress like sheep 364 days of the … Read more