You must keep your

You must keep your honor! You can’t speak for the country; you can do little about the national economy or actions of moral weaklings who excuse themselves with the expression, That is politics; nor can you be responsible for deception in others. But you are responsible for yourself! There are no collective panaceas – only … Read more

An honorable man or

An honorable man or woman is one who is truthful; free from deceit; above cheating, lying, stealing, or any form of deception. An honorable man or woman is one who learns early that one cannot do wrong and feel right. A man’s character is judged on how he keeps his word and his agreements. Ezra … Read more

The moment you begin

The moment you begin a serious study of the scriptures, you will find greater power to resist temptation. You will find the power to avoid deception. You will find the power to stay on the straight and narrow path…. When you begin to hunger & thirst after those words, you will find life in greater … Read more