When I am doing

When I am doing things around the house – when I’m decorating, setting up furniture, putting out a vase of flowers, lighting my candles, my mind is always thinking, What do I need to do to make this space peaceful and restful and comfortable so that when people walk into it, aesthetically they’re heightened and … Read more

Decorating in relation to

Decorating in relation to hotels is really nothing more than planned showmanship or the art of attracting attention in a delightful way and thus creating an increased consumer acceptance. It gives the guest the feeling of anticipation, excitement, expectancy, delight, and pride in the management of his favorit hotel. Dorothy Draper

Have you ever considered

Have you ever considered how much pure stuff and nonsense surrounds this subject of interior decoration? Probably not. Almost everyone believes that there is something deep and mysterious about it or that you have to know all sorts of complicated details about periods before you can lift a finger. Well, you don’t. Decorating is just … Read more