If we want more

If we want more trade in the world, we should establish bilateral trade agreements with other democratic countries. That way we can control the decision-making process. The major economic countries of the world will enter into those agreements. Dana Rohrabacher

The blurring of the

The blurring of the line between policy and strategy] encouraged soldiers to make the preposterous claim that policy should be subservient to their conduct of operations, and (especially in democratic countries) it drew the statesman on to overstep the definite border of his sphere and interfere with his military employees in the actual use of … Read more

The culture of the

The culture of the United States has flooded the world. It’s the inevitable result of a powerful culture, art. We’ve got an instinctive touch when it comes to the popular mind because we’ve had no aristocracy. It is a democratic country. And we know without knowing it, without bothering to understand it, how to reach … Read more