There was a real

There was a real choice when [Barack Obama] became president. It was a very difficult choice – to say, \”We’re not going to hold senior officials to account with the same laws that every other citizen in the country is held to,\” or \”This is a nation that believes in the rule of law.\” Edward … Read more

Unfortunately, to succeed in

Unfortunately, to succeed in business, organizations need to make difficult choices all the time-what to do and, more important, what not to do. The truth of the matter is that whenever we make a difficult choice, some people will win and some will lose. The winners will be happy and the losers unhappy. It’s impossible … Read more

When certain causes become

When certain causes become prairie fires, politicians make difficult choices, and often at the expense of someone like Jeremiah Wright and Walter Jenkins. That’s the cruel nature of American politics, where the end becomes the consummate objective, and sometimes the means to get there come at a great price. Bill Moyers

Love is a commitment

Love is a commitment that will be tested in the most vulnerable areas of spirituality, a commitment that will force you to make some very difficult choices. It is a commitment that demands that you deal with your lust, your greed, your pride, your power, your desire to control, your temper, your patience, and every … Read more