I like the dry-cleaners.

I like the dry-cleaners. I like the sense of refreshment and renewal. I like the way dirty old torn clothes are dumped, to be returned clean and wholesome in their slippery transparent cases. Better than confesssion any day. Here there is a true sense of rebirth, redemption, salvation. Fay Weldon

We’re talking about an

We’re talking about an extremely prolific poet and songwriter and lyricist. That stuff comes off the top of her head. She [Joni Mitchell] will write exactly what she lives. If she puts some money in the soda machine, she’ll write about putting money in the soda machine. Dry Cleaner from Des Moines, on the Shadows … Read more

Well I remember the

Well I remember the first thing that from coming from New York that just stunned me and I couldn’t understand was that you valet park for everything. Even – you valet park to go to the dry cleaner. And that, you know, that just blew my mind. I was like, okay, you have to pay … Read more

Amy adored both the

Amy adored both the new look and the new person it allowed her to be. Following the photo shoot, she wore her bruises to the dry cleaner and the grocery store. Most people nervously looked away, but on the rare occasions someone would ask what happened, my sister would smile as brightly as possible, saying, … Read more

When you improvise on

When you improvise on the spot, people are very reluctant to have soft moments or quiet moments or sad moments because they’re trying to fill up the spaces. So they always go towards, How come you’re late?! You’re supposed to have my shirt ready! You call this a dry cleaner?! That’s what happens. That’s why … Read more