There are a lot

There are a lot of products still to be discovered in the world and experimentation, for example with seafood and fish. There are thousands of products that we’re not eating right now that maybe will be cultivated in a good agriculture situation, a sustainable, ecological way. Maybe there will be textures or flavors we hadn’t … Read more

If we keep this

If we keep this question in mind while planning our days, we will see that we actually have countless opportunities to add to our life force. Being around people and places we love and doing things that give us deep satisfaction, taking time to digest the events in our lives, being less busy, telling the … Read more

I just didn’t feel

I just didn’t feel very good. One day I woke up and I was like: All right. I’m going to start eating right. I’m going to start working out. I figured it might help me feel a little bit better – even if I was still sick, it might help me move forward with my … Read more