Pictures are written, acted,

Pictures are written, acted, directed, photo­graphed, edited, scored and all that. The screenwriter determines what scenes are in and what scenes are out; decides whether that bit of information is dramatized or just referred to; whether it takes place on or off screen. There are millions of decisions made by the screenwriter. Ernest Lehman

It\\’s hard work. It\\’s

It’s hard work. It’s really hard work, but it’s really interesting. We have this camera, I think it’s called a SimulCam, and when you play it back, you can see the giant in the scene you just shot. It’s incredible. You’re reacting to a tennis ball that’s way up there, then when you watch it, … Read more

Editors can be stupid

Editors can be stupid at times. They just ignore that author’s intention. I always try to read unabridged editions, so much is lost with cut versions of classic literature, even movies don’t make sense when they are edited too much. I love the longueurs of a book even if they seem pointless because you can … Read more