I don’t have family

I don’t have family members calling me and saying, Is this rumor about you in the newspaper true?, because they know it’s all bullshit. I already have that support system, and it’s actually been really helpful. My parents have been in the entertainment business for so long that they really know what not to do. … Read more

Thank god, I can’t

Thank god, I can’t sing because that would be a lot of pressure. But yeah, it’s nice doing something different and that’s something I really feel like is my own passion. It’s also connected. Everything is connected in the entertainment business, so I have the support of my parents because they’ve been through it all … Read more

The hired journalist, I

The hired journalist, I thought, ought to realize that he is partly in the entertainment business and partly in the advertising business – advertising either goods, or a cause, or a government. He just has to make up his mind whom he wants to entertain, and what he wants to advertise. Claud Cockburn