Some days I would

Some days I would get so exhausted, nauseous, in pain – just from going back through things. It’s almost as if I had the experience and then the meta-experience. Eve Ensler

Often Americans have heard

Often Americans have heard Donald Trump be very hard on China. But that’s not how it’s heard over there. In China, his message is being interpreted as the sound of an exhausted America, an America that is seeking to withdraw from its commitments to NATO, to holding up, for instance, human rights around the world. … Read more

There is a rhythm

There is a rhythm to the ending of a marriage just like the rhythm of a courtship-only backward. You try to start again but get into blaming over and over. Finally you are both worn out, exhausted, hopeless. Then lawyers are called in to pick clean the corpses. The death has occurred much earlier. Erica … Read more