Goodness gracious me,” exclaimed

Goodness gracious me,” exclaimed Alexia, “what are you wearing? It looks like the unfortunate progeny of an illicit union between a pair of binoculars and some opera glasses. What on earth are they called, binocticals, spectaculars?” The earl snorted his amusement and then tried to pretend he hadn’t. “How about glassicals?” he suggested, apparently unable … Read more

Isn’t Bunson’s training evil

Isn’t Bunson’s training evil geniuses? Yes, mostly. Well, is that wise? Having a mess of seedling evil geniuses falling in love with you willy-nilly? What if they feel spurned? Ah, but in the interim, think of the lovely gifts they can make you. Monique bragged that one of her boys made her silver and wood … Read more

Many of us have

Many of us have a tendency to forget the Gracious Hand which has preserved our nation, enriched it, strengthened it. Many of us imagine in the foolishness of pride, that our manifold blessings are due not to God’s goodness, but to our own wisdom and virtue. Too many of us have been so drunk with … Read more

Do not entertain the

Do not entertain the notion that you ought to advance in your prayer. If you do, you will only find you have put on the brake instead of the acceleration. All real progress in spiritual things comes gently, imperceptibly, and is the work of God. Our crude efforts spoil it. Know yourself for the childish, … Read more

There’s something that happens

There’s something that happens where you go, if you’re lucky, goodness me, from film to another film to another film. And you can sort of feel that if you step off that treadmill, it might all go horribly wrong and you might never be employed again, you know. And I suddenly thought that that’s not … Read more

Wouldn’t it be incredible

Wouldn’t it be incredible if everyone could be purged, somehow, of the projected not-them badness that they internalized and perhaps have acted out because their souls have been so damaged? Wouldn’t it be incredible if everyone could find the joy that comes with committing to our own goodness? Perhaps we would stop dividing ourselves into … Read more