The heavens were the

The heavens were the grandstands and only the gods were spectators. The stake was the world, the forfeit was the player’s place at the table, and the game had no recess. It was the most dangerous of all sports and the most fascinating. It got in the blood like wine. It aged men forty years … Read more

I am convinced that

I am convinced that the human heart hungers for constancy. In forfeiting the sanctity of sex by casual, nondiscriminato ry \”making out\” and \”sleeping around,\” we forfeit something we cannot well do without. There is dullness, monotony, sheer boredom in all of life when virginity and purity are no longer protected and prized. Elisabeth Elliot

ONLY in the release

ONLY in the release of the seen do you lay hold on the unseen, My little one. Heaven waits for those who are no longer bound to earth. The degree to which bondages are exchanged for liberties while still in the flesh is in proportion to the extent to which eternal values are held in … Read more

As a German philosopher

As a German philosopher writing in the aftermath of the Nazi regime, Marcuse understood the sleep inducing force of indoctrination, its power to make people forget and forfeit their own real interests. The fact that the vast majority of the population accepts, and is made to accept, this society does not render it less irrational … Read more

Is our day of

Is our day of creative life finished? Does there remain to us only the strange, awful afterwards of the knowledge in dissolution,the African knowledge, but different for us, who are blond and blue-eyed from the north?…. There was another way, the way of freedom. There was the paradisal entry into pure, single beingwhich accepted the … Read more