I did not know

I did not know there was any controversy. I don’t get a lot of time to read the fan forums, etc. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to have more storylines. I was just so happy to step in and pick up some of the slack for Emily while she was pregnant. It was … Read more

There is a movement

There is a movement happening, a quiet one. A low-profile, low-resolution revolution. Comprised of writers and dreamers, of guerrilla artists and thought-ninjas. Those with something to say. They communicate through text inscribed on true public spaces, rather than blogs and forums. Choosing fewer words, even without being bound by 140 character limits. Using ink instead … Read more

What we see today

What we see today is a world movement represented by the World Social Forum, involving all sorts of interactions across cultures, not to create some new \”ism,\” but to learn as we walk and to create more democratic forms of social organization that re-embed economic life in community. Frances Moore LappĂ©

During a recent life

During a recent life development forum we offered a session on Christian practices. In one of the four weeks we introduced the practice of making the sign of the cross on ourselves. This gesture has become a very powerful experience for me. It is rich with meaning and history and is such a simple way … Read more