A composition which dazzles

A composition which dazzles at first sight by gaudy epithets, or brilliant turns or expression, or glittering trains of imagery, may fade gradually from the mind, leaving no enduring impression; but words which flow fresh and warm from a full heart, and which are instinct with the life and breath of human feeling, pass into … Read more

My visual landscape as

My visual landscape as a child was the inside of a lot of these old churches. And the Baroque drama of the things was what I was first engaging with artwise. I’m much more attracted to the aesthetic of religious iconography than the actual religious side. The passion and the blood and the violence and … Read more

Behold the Drojim Palace,

Behold the Drojim Palace, King Urgit said extravagantly to Sadi, the hereditary home of the House of Urga. A most unusual structure, You Majesty, Sadi murmured. That’s a diplomatic way to put it. Urgit looked critically at his palace. It’s gaudy, ugly, and in terribly bad taste. It does, however, suit my personality almost perfectly. … Read more