I think a lot

I think a lot of the production process is always giving yourself, like what I call like escape routes, like, if this scene doesn’t play, if we realize we’ve had too many dirty scenes in a row, and it’s like, because you don’t have the luxury when you’re in the middle of shooting, to see … Read more

It’s a very American

It’s a very American illness, the idea of giving yourself away entirely to the idea of working in order to achieve some sort of brass ring that usually involves people feeling some way about you – I mean, people wonder why we walk around feeling alienated and lonely and stressed out. David Foster Wallace

The secret of successfully

The secret of successfully giving yourself away lies not so much in calculated actions as in cultivating friendly, warm-hearted impulses. You have to train yourself to obey giving impulses on the instant — before they get a chance to cool. When you give impulsively, something happens inside of you that makes you glow, sometimes for … Read more

Practicing love often means

Practicing love often means feeling through fear: intentionally opening yourself when you would rather close down, giving yourself when you would rather hide. Love means recognizing yourself as the open fullness of this moment regardless of its contents — trenchant thoughts, enchanting pleasures, heavy emotions, or gnawing pains — and surrendering all hold on the … Read more

Once you grow accustomed

Once you grow accustomed to being famous, you do not realize it, but you are never quite your humble, honest self. No matter how tightly you keep the lid on, there is some watered stock of vanity inside. You are always in danger of the thing’s coming off and of giving yourself an air or … Read more

The blood that poured

The blood that poured from Christ’s wounds bought your salvation. If you want to truly value what He did, think of Him hanging on that cross just for you. With that thought in your mind, consider how you should live. He gave Himself freely for you; are you giving yourself fully to Him? Charles Stanley