Socially prominent people are

Socially prominent people are very fond of disease, because it gives them a chance to have these really elaborate charity functions, and the newspaper headlines say ‘EVENING IN PARIS BALL RAISES MONEY TO FIGHT GOUT’ instead of ‘RICH PEOPLE AMUSE THEMSELVES’. Dave Barry

This was Barrington Erle,

This was Barrington Erle, a politician of long standing, who was still looked upon by many as a young man, because he had always been known as a young man, and because he had never done anything to compromise his position in that respect. He had not married, or settled himself down in a house … Read more

The discovery of a

The discovery of a grey hair when you are brushing out your whiskers of a morning—first fallen flake of the coming snows of age—is a disagreeable thing…. So are flying twinges of gout, shortness of breath on the hill-side, the fact that even the moderate use of your friend’s wines at dinner upsets you. These … Read more