When I\\’m get­ting ready

When I’m get­ting ready to per­suade a per­son, I spend one-third of the time think­ing about myself, what I’m going to say, and two-thirds of the time think­ing about him and what he is going to say. -Abra­ham Lincoln Always think of what you have to do as easy and it will be. Emile Coue

As an actor, if

As an actor, if you step to the side and you look at [Thornton’s performance] technically, and you try to imagine doing what he was doing, most people would panic. Most people would be on the set, and they would be panicking, going, \”I’m not doing anything!\” All the ham instincts in you would be … Read more

I remember being in

I remember being in West Ham’s youth team and seeing Jody Morris play for Chelsea at 17 and you scoring for Liverpool on your debut when you were 18. I was watching it on Soccer Saturday and I was like, \”I can’t believe he’s scored!\” It’s professional jealousy. It’s best to be honest about it. … Read more