I have friends who

I have friends who are leading men, and they’re only ever allowed to play leading men of a certain type. But as a character actor, there’s a wider variety of projects available. On the big Hollywood films, all they care about is having their lead in place, so it’s actually easier for someone like me … Read more

Mrs. Robinson, you\’re trying

Mrs. Robinson, you’re trying to seduce me… aren’t you? Dustin Hoffman

In an ideal world,

In an ideal world, I’d bounce between big projects and no-budget TV dramas with fantastic scripts. A lot of Hollywood films tend to be bloated, bombastic, loud. At the same time, I do like the infrastructure of making a blockbuster; it’s like having a big train set. David Yates

Frankly, my dear, I

Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn. Clark Gable

Hollywood films are alienating

Hollywood films are alienating to the spectator because they use too much dialogue, too much explication and leave no space for the viewer. They depress me. I use direct sound, mono not stereo. Just direct sound, so for every shot there are only two sources. Sound creates an intimate effect: the sensation to feel the … Read more