There is no question

There is no question in my mind that we live in one of the truly bestial centuries in human history. There are plenty of signposts for the future historian, and what do they say? They say ‘Auschwitz’ and ‘Dresden’ and ‘Hiroshima’ and ‘Vietnam’ and ‘Napalm.’ For many years we all woke up to the daily … Read more

Steven Spielberg making a

Steven Spielberg making a Ready Player One movie is going to change the course of human history as pertains to how quickly virtual reality is adopted. He’s going to shows the whole world the potential of VR, which is one of the reasons I think he’s doing it. Once you have to compose for 360 … Read more

I heard the term

I heard the term \”mamisma\” when describing Speaker of the House [Nancy] Pelosi, how she was speaking from that place which is kind of like a strong mother. Like when your mom says like, \”put that down!\” you know that is coming from a place of both love and strength. And at this critical stage … Read more

In every possible instance

In every possible instance Saint Paul begged Christians to restrain themselves to contain their carnal yearnings to live solitary and sexless lives on earth as it is in heaven. \”But if they cannot contain \” Paul finally conceded then \”let them marry for it is better to marry than to burn.\” Which is perhaps the … Read more