There is something that

There is something that governments care for more than human life, and that is the security of property, and so it is through property that we shall strike the enemy…. Those of you who can break windows–break them. Those of you who can still further attack the secret idol of property, so as to make … Read more

The poor, stupid, free

The poor, stupid, free American citizen! Free to starve, free to tramp the highways of this great country, he enjoys universal suffrage, and by that right, he has forged chains around his limbs. The reward that he receives is stringent labor laws prohibiting the right of boycott, of picketing, of everything, except the right to … Read more

Few countries have produced

Few countries have produced such arrogance and snobbishness as America. Particularly is this true of the American woman of the middle class. She not only considers herself the equal of man, but his superior, especially in her purity, goodness, and morality. Small wonder that the American suffragist claims for her vote the most miraculous powers. … Read more