I admired fashion but

I admired fashion but I wasn’t an iconic fashionista myself. I think as I got more comfortable in my skin, then I got a little bit more into fashion, but it’s always been something I’ve been interested in because you can express yourself through what you wear and your accessories and everything else. So getting … Read more

When we started the

When we started the show [Lonesome Dove], Suzanne De Passe – who had done the original miniseries and still owned the property and was turning it into this series – she brought in a lot of old friends – Diahann Carroll and Billy Dee Williams and Dennis Weaver. And we had an interesting collection off … Read more

Lincoln is such an

Lincoln is such an iconic figure in American history. He seems to reflect so many elements of American culture that we consider essential, whether it’s the self-made man, the frontier hero, the politician who tries to act in a moral way as well as in a political way, Honest Abe. His career raises these questions … Read more