I wasn’t actually going

I wasn’t actually going to see the original film [Lord of the Ring], because I didn’t think it was possible that a film could represent the books appropriately. So I was protesting, and I wasn’t going to see them. And then my family all took a jaunt together, the entire family, to see the movies, … Read more

From the Latin word

From the Latin word imponere, base of the obsolete English impone and translated as impress in modern English, Nordic hackers have coined the terms imponator (a device that does nothing but impress bystanders, referred to as the imponator effect) and imponade (that goo that fills you as you get impressed with something – from marmelade, … Read more

It was he who

It was he who impressed, time and again, the necessity of singing as nature intended, and – I remember – he constantly warned, don’t let the public know that you work. So I went slowly. I never forced the voice. Enrico Caruso