That\\’s what Jamie didn\\’t

That’s what Jamie didn’t understand: it was never just sex. Even the fastest, dirtiest, most impersonal screw was about more than sex. It was about connection. It was about looking at another human being and seeing your own loneliness and neediness reflected back. It was recognising that together you had the power to temporarily banish … Read more

How did you ever

How did you ever get here, Maddie Brodatt?\” \”‘Second to the right, and then straight on till morning,’\” she answered promptly-it did feel like Neverland. \”Crikey, am I so obviously Peter Pan?\” Maddie laughed. \”The Lost Boys give it away.\” Jamie studied his hands. \”Mother keeps the windows open in all our bedrooms while we’re … Read more

You can tell this

You can tell this by the program the federal government had to train 2,400 tractor drivers. They would have trained Negro and white together, but this man, Congressman Jamie Whitten, voted against it and everything that was decent. So, we’ve got to have somebody in Washington who is concerned about the people of Mississippi. Fannie … Read more

Do ye dare to

Do ye dare to draw arms against the justice of God? snapped the tubby little judge. Jamie drew the sword completely, with a flash of steel, then thrust it point-first into the ground, leaving the hilt quivering with the force of the blow. I draw it in defense of this women, and the truth, he … Read more