Certain signs, some of

Certain signs, some of them visible to the layman as well as the scientist, indicate that we have been watching an ice age approach for some time without realizing what we are seeing… Scientists predict that it will cause great snows which the world has not seen since the last ice age thousands of years … Read more


BERTRAND RUSSELL, The Philosophy of Logical Atomism We’ve associated that word philosophy with academic study that in its own way has gotten so far beyond the layman that if you read contemporary philosophy you’ve no clue, because it’s almost become math. And it’s odd that if you don’t do that and you call yourself a … Read more

There was on section

There was on section in First Corinthians 13 that talks about (showing) patience, kindness, politeness, how can I demonstrate forgiveness to my children and more fully enjoy them as they’re growing up and vice versa. And so, each of those has a day’s journey. There are 40 days that people will go through in applying … Read more