To a father growing

To a father growing old nothing is dearer than a daughter. Euripides

Being sectioned was the

Being sectioned was the best thing that ever happened to me. Frank Bruno

My daughter squealed again

My daughter squealed again and both Bubba and I winced. It’s not an attractive sound, that. It’s high-pitched and it enters your ear canals like hot glass. No matter how much I love my daughter, I will never love her squealing. Or maybe I will. Maybe I do. Driving down 93, I realized once and … Read more

A daughter is the

A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future. Bruce Barton

If you can give

If you can give your child only one gift, let it be enthusiasm. Bruce Barton

wisdom is like a

wisdom is like a bottomless pond. You throw stones in and they sink into darkness and dissolve. Her eyes looking back do not reflect anything. I think this to myself even though I love my daughter. She and I have shared the same body. There is a part of her mind that is a part … Read more