Do you want to

Do you want to go back to Vienna?” he said. Alec didn’t answer, just stared into space. “Or we could go somewhere else,” said Magnus. “Anywhere you want. Thailand, South Carolina, Brazil, Peru – Oh, wait, no, I’m banned from Peru. I’d forgotten about that. It’s a long story, but amusing if you want to … Read more

Magnus sighed. Alexander, I’ve

Magnus sighed. Alexander, I’ve been alive for hundreds of years. I’ve been with men, been with women – with faeries and warlocks and vampires, and even a djinn or two. He looked sideways at Maryse, who looked mildly horrified. Too much information? Cassandra Clare

You could dress it

You could dress it up with a sequined headband,” Magnus suggested, offering his boyfriend something blue and sparkly. “Just a thought.” “Resist the urge, Alec.” Simon was sitting on the edge of a low wall with Maia beside him, though she appeared to be deep in conversation with Aline. “You’ll look like Olivia Newton-John in … Read more

Good organization,” said Magnus.

Good organization,” said Magnus. “I knew the man who founded it, back in the 1800s. Woolsey Scot. Respectable old werewolf family.” Alec made an ugly sound in the back of his throat. “Did you sleep with him, too?” Magnus’s cat eyes widened. “Alexander! Cassandra Clare