I’m tempted by everything.

I’m tempted by everything. My husband makes fun of me because every day it’s a new food that I love. I have a weakness for butterscotch pudding, ice cream in any flavor and dark chocolate, although that’s one thing I do keep in my house – 70% dark chocolate. Gail Simmons

Husbands come and go;

Husbands come and go; children come and eventually they go. Friends grow up and move away. But the one thing that’s never lost is your sister. Gail Sheehy

Certainly Nancy Reagan had

Certainly Nancy Reagan had an extraordinary effect on her husband. I’m truly not sure that, say, Laura Bush had that much effect on the Bush administration. She certainly, you know, seems to be a nice person who I think the public likes. But I can’t really put my finger on any huge impact she’s had. … Read more

Later on Lady Maccon

Later on Lady Maccon was to describe that particular day as the worst of her life. She had neither the soul nor the romanticism to consider childbirth magical or emotionally transporting. So far as she could gather it mostly involved pain indignity and mess. There was nothing engaging or appealing about the process. And as … Read more

I mean to say,

I mean to say, really, I am near to developing a neurosis – is there anyone around who doesn’t want to study or kill me? Floote raised a tentative hand. Ah, yes, thank you, Floote. There is also Mrs Tunstell, madam, he offered hopefully, is if Ivy were some kind of consolation prize. I notice … Read more